Computer Assisted Design (CAD)

Canada Tool is a full service company; we can take a computer assisted design (CAD) model, or drawing, even a sketch, or idea through to completion under one roof.

Solid Modelling Software

Using the latest versions of Solidworks and Keycreator solid modelling software, our team of experienced tool designers create a full three dimensional model of the tooling or stamping die.  This method of design allows us the opportunity to foresee problems which may not be easily identified with two dimensional design methods.

Designing, Tooling to Manufacturing

The components of the tooling are then manufactured in our tool department with computer assisted machining software (CAM) to produce accurate parts not only for initial tool construction, but replacement components as well.

This process not only allows us to offer our customers the most cost efficient manufacturing method, but also the full tooling support ongoing throughout the life of the program to assure the tooling is not the cause of production disruption, which can jeopardize delivery requirements.

Canada Tool is a full service company; we can take a computer assisted design (CAD) model, or drawing, even a sketch, or idea through to completion under one roof.